Army of the Lordaeron
Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 29 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Khandark Captain Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Guild Master 4175 Alchemy Engineering
Nelysia Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Guild Master 2770 Alchemy Inscription
Likewise Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Guild Master 470 Leatherworking Skinning
Hallelujax Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Guild Master 1450 Herbalism Mining
Etriel Human Paladin Alliance 80 Guild Master 4370 Blacksmithing Alchemy
Cerylian Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Guild Master 330 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Caelia Human Mage Alliance 80 Guild Master 330 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Hanael Human Priest Alliance 80 Guild Master 290 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Lolive Draenei Hunter Alliance 80 Guild Master 290 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Henip Human Rogue Alliance 80 Guild Master 290 Alchemy Skinning
Celyris Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Guild Master 490 Herbalism Mining
Magkhan Human Mage Alliance 80 Guild Master 300 Alchemy Tailoring
Thomen Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Guild Master 1140 Alchemy
Liononde Human Paladin Alliance 80 Guild Master 3920 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Towaim Draenei Shaman Alliance 70 Guild Master 190 Alchemy
Leoneth Human Warlock Alliance 70 Guild Master 180 Alchemy
Henion Human Death Knight Alliance 70 Guild Master 220 Alchemy
Nussor Human Priest Alliance 70 Guild Master 190 Alchemy
Meldor Human Paladin Alliance 80 Guild Master 250 Alchemy
Nestia Human Priest Alliance 30 Guild Master 40
Eluides Human Warlock Alliance 30 Guild Master 40
Skyness Human Rogue Alliance 30 Guild Master 40
Nerysia Human Paladin Alliance 30 Guild Master 40
Annesia Night Elf Hunter Alliance 31 Guild Master 50
Neand Human Warrior Alliance 30 Guild Master 40
Neasia Human Mage Alliance 30 Guild Master 40
Cerysia Human Paladin Alliance 30 Guild Master 50
Nerylia Draenei Hunter Alliance 30 Guild Master 50 Alchemy
Cernia Draenei Shaman Alliance 31 Guild Master 50 Alchemy