Big Fans of Elrika
Horde Guild, Icecrown, 12 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Basshuntard Captain Orc Warlock Horde 80 Guild Master 915 Tailoring
Begunah Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 The special one 720 Mining Jewelcrafting
Bevert Undead Mage Horde 80 The special one 505 Tailoring
Amelendia Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 The special one 715
Elrika Blood Elf Hunter Horde 80 The special one 1230 Mining Engineering
Brotheruhh Undead Rogue Horde 75 The special one 260
Beckii Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 The special one 1510 Alchemy Herbalism
Iceztorm Orc Death Knight Horde 80 The special one 515
Grototter Troll Shaman Horde 80 The special one 570 Herbalism
Brothermoo Tauren Druid Horde 80 The special one 745 Leatherworking Skinning
Celaeena Orc Hunter Horde 80 The special one 555
Bengunah Troll Shaman Horde 80 The special one 1070 Enchanting Inscription