Deaths Bargain
Horde Guild, Icecrown, 52 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Piperperi Captain Orc Death Knight Horde 80 Grand-Poo Bah 3785 Alchemy Enchanting
Ghostiesky Undead Warlock Horde 80 2nd in Command 1205 Tailoring Enchanting
Madmoxie Orc Hunter Horde 10 2nd in Command 10
Heavenllywin Undead Death Knight Horde 64 2nd in Command 110
Fatdorc Orc Death Knight Horde 80 Exceptional 3490 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Seborrhea Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Exceptional 4320 Tailoring
Seksibich Orc Death Knight Horde 80 Exceptional 4520 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Dannixboo Blood Elf Hunter Horde 80 Exceptional 3770 Leatherworking Skinning
Constanted Tauren Death Knight Horde 80 Exceptional 2910 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Heafy Troll Priest Horde 80 Exceptional 3635
Allegroo Undead Rogue Horde 80 Exceptional 2270 Mining Jewelcrafting
Nogremeon Orc Warlock Horde 80 Exceptional 1455 Tailoring Engineering
Barnwaz Troll Hunter Horde 80 Aspirant 1155
Rosserz Troll Shaman Horde 80 Aspirant 2155 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Ghoulock Undead Warlock Horde 80 Aspirant 2400 Alchemy Engineering
Drdiisco Troll Priest Horde 80 Aspirant 1115 Alchemy Tailoring
Mounirro Tauren Death Knight Horde 80 Aspirant 755 Blacksmithing Mining
Mceith Undead Warlock Horde 80 Aspirant 810 Tailoring Enchanting
Chungura Blood Elf Death Knight Horde 80 Aspirant 1300 Inscription
Altheaeloria Blood Elf Paladin Horde 73 Aspirant 240
Freakyrogue Orc Rogue Horde 80 Member 6910 Leatherworking Engineering
Rinsingwind Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Member 1620 Alchemy Enchanting
Yoshikamiyak Undead Death Knight Horde 72 Member 460 Mining Engineering
Tetsuyayano Tauren Warrior Horde 56 Member 480 Alchemy Herbalism
Firawss Blood Elf Hunter Horde 80 Member 2430 Mining Jewelcrafting
Untergrund Orc Death Knight Horde 80 The Initiated 410 Tailoring Engineering
Davewar Tauren Warrior Horde 80 The Initiated 1600 Blacksmithing Mining
Dragnimage Troll Mage Horde 80 The Initiated 760 Tailoring Enchanting
Feralripper Undead Rogue Horde 80 The Initiated 1410 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Catbeast Tauren Druid Horde 80 The Initiated 785
Linzluz Troll Priest Horde 80 The Initiated 1470 Tailoring Engineering
Deadinside Undead Mage Horde 80 The Initiated 330 Mining Engineering
Karoj Tauren Druid Horde 80 The Initiated 2510 Mining Jewelcrafting
Madrug Orc Warrior Horde 80 The Initiated 1715 Alchemy Herbalism
Deviris Blood Elf Paladin Horde 55 The Initiated 140
Maccak Troll Mage Horde 80 The Initiated 860 Tailoring Engineering
Darkero Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 The Initiated 720 Alchemy Herbalism
Wiiggato Orc Shaman Horde 24 The Initiated 30 Herbalism Inscription
Alekolas Blood Elf Paladin Horde 75 The Initiated 390 Tailoring Enchanting
Speeda Troll Rogue Horde 15 The Initiated 10
Yanfa Orc Hunter Horde 80 The Initiated 210 Mining Engineering
Witterawy Blood Elf Mage Horde 80 The Initiated 1430
Sherookk Troll Shaman Horde 37 The Initiated 70 Mining
Trixnyx Orc Shaman Horde 20 The Initiated 30
Loathor Orc Hunter Horde 31 The Initiated 160 Leatherworking Skinning
Asmudeus Troll Hunter Horde 11 The Initiated 10
Picooro Orc Rogue Horde 11 The Initiated 10
Budman Troll Mage Horde 13 The Initiated 20
Kador Orc Hunter Horde 13 The Initiated 10 Mining Engineering
Ptshrogue Orc Rogue Horde 28 The Initiated 70
Grraa Orc Death Knight Horde 65 The Initiated 120
Ghoui Troll Shaman Horde 80 The Initiated 430 Mining