Echoes of the Edible
Horde Guild, Icecrown, 8 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Kindles Captain Undead Rogue Horde 80 Hannibal Lecter 1235 Enchanting Skinning
Bloodvirus Undead Death Knight Horde 80 Sous Chef 3870 Mining Jewelcrafting
Enkindle Undead Rogue Horde 80 Sous Chef 1275
Overkindle Undead Rogue Horde 80 Sous Chef 1245 Mining Skinning
Magnolyy Tauren Druid Horde 80 Chef 1590 Herbalism Inscription
Micutza Orc Hunter Horde 80 Chef 1120 Leatherworking Skinning
Keeda Blood Elf Hunter Horde 80 Chef 1760 Engineering Inscription
Firebok Blood Elf Mage Horde 75 Chef 230