Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 26 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Sabrina Captain Human Warlock Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 10825 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Piama Human Paladin Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 9825 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Alexis Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 8200 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Honesty Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 5085 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Piper Human Priest Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 4095 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Bethy Human Rogue Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 7240 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Kayla Human Priest Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 5060 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Madeline Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 5245 Blacksmithing Engineering
Greedy Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 5820 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Bonnie Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 1620 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Cassidy Human Mage Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 8940 Tailoring Engineering
Azealia Human Paladin Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 4965 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Kaylie Human Priest Alliance 80 Herald of Hell 8545 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Rooted Human Mage Alliance 80 STARFUCKER! 2125 Enchanting
Vibing Human Paladin Alliance 80 STARFUCKER! 2795
Divinedildos Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 STARFUCKER! 2255 Engineering
Amethyst Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 STARFUCKER! 2555 Engineering
Discriminate Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 STARFUCKER! 1935 Leatherworking
Miley Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 STARFUCKER! 2290
Courageous Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 STARFUCKER! 2810 Herbalism Engineering
Piperxo Human Priest Alliance 39 Baby Brinas 200 Engineering
Pounding Human Warrior Alliance 39 Baby Brinas 430 Alchemy Herbalism
Ultimately Draenei Hunter Alliance 19 Baby Brinas 240 Herbalism Engineering
Blessed Human Warrior Alliance 19 Baby Brinas 190 Herbalism Engineering
Valerie Human Priest Alliance 19 Baby Brinas 200 Herbalism Engineering
Honestyx Draenei Hunter Alliance 19 Baby Brinas 420 Herbalism Skinning