Two Maidens One Chalice
Alliance Guild, Lordaeron, 385 members
364 PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Trashyviolet Captain Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Guild Momma 3160 Alchemy Herbalism
Theed Human Paladin Alliance 80 Iron Maiden 2980 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Ameowra Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Iron Maiden 1445 Alchemy Herbalism
Amoura Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Iron Maiden 4175 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Midshipman Human Rogue Alliance 43 Iron Maiden 270 Leatherworking Skinning
Gorefindel Human Warrior Alliance 80 Iron Maiden 3620 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Abandita Night Elf Rogue Alliance 43 Iron Maiden 180
Laenya Draenei Priest Alliance 65 Iron Maiden 490 Tailoring Enchanting
Aglaonice Gnome Warlock Alliance 40 Iron Maiden 370 Tailoring Enchanting
Bananananans Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Valkyrie 2540 Alchemy Herbalism
Auronnx Human Warrior Alliance 80 Valkyrie 2495 Mining Engineering
Asoura Draenei Shaman Alliance 25 Valkyrie 200 Mining Skinning
Caalum Human Priest Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 2660 Tailoring Enchanting
Tankiorr Draenei Warrior Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 2900 Blacksmithing Engineering
Bloodtanker Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 2000 Mining Jewelcrafting
Milanlord Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 4710 Engineering Inscription
Ananananas Draenei Mage Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 3540 Mining Jewelcrafting
Mynth Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 1975 Mining Jewelcrafting
Luchy Human Mage Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 1880 Tailoring Enchanting
Himalia Draenei Paladin Alliance 62 Battle Maiden 1015 Mining Jewelcrafting
Haidene Night Elf Priest Alliance 30 Battle Maiden 330 Tailoring
Ullirus Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 2090 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Eleran Night Elf Warrior Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 4510 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Uinen Human Mage Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 1815 Tailoring Enchanting
Klord Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 2270 Mining Engineering
Alittlebit Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Battle Maiden 2595 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Nightdemon Night Elf Hunter Alliance 64 Battle Maiden 570 Herbalism Mining
Amalija Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Maidenless 2260 Herbalism Inscription
Conspiracyy Human Mage Alliance 80 Maidenless 1700 Engineering Enchanting
Thuryon Human Paladin Alliance 80 Maidenless 2375 Blacksmithing Mining
Medh Human Rogue Alliance 80 Maidenless 2050 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Harrisj Human Paladin Alliance 80 Maidenless 3845 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Unitwo Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Maidenless 1490 Mining Engineering
Azyal Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Maidenless 1200 Alchemy
Menpipi Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Maidenless 1930 Herbalism Mining
Borisko Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Maidenless 1980 Mining Engineering
Rheastre Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Maidenless 1995 Skinning
Snapsy Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Maidenless 2480 Mining Engineering
Oioii Dwarf Paladin Alliance 80 Maidenless 1840 Mining Enchanting
Aelra Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Maidenless 1230 Mining Engineering
Valleris Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Maidenless 2350 Blacksmithing Mining
Xea Human Warlock Alliance 80 Maidenless 2640 Tailoring Enchanting
Magorichr Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Maidenless 2330 Alchemy Herbalism
Keyboardcat Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Maidenless 480
Tazeto Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Maidenless 1540 Herbalism Mining
Utherdk Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Maidenless 2750 Herbalism Inscription
Decapitate Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Maidenless 1100
Sounding Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Maidenless 1430 Herbalism Engineering
Cocoricos Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Maidenless 1825 Leatherworking Skinning
Vondir Dwarf Warrior Alliance 80 Maidenless 3335 Mining Enchanting
Lemouun Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Maidenless 2735 Alchemy Herbalism
Moontear Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Maidenless 1735 Alchemy Herbalism
Tethanduil Night Elf Warrior Alliance 80 Maidenless 4260 Blacksmithing Mining
Aerei Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Maidenless 1285 Herbalism Mining
Dropship Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Maidenless 2105 Herbalism Mining
Guzzle Dwarf Hunter Alliance 73 Maidenless 660 Mining Engineering
Mansus Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Maidenless 1700 Mining Engineering
Eaglewood Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Maidenless 2060 Herbalism Inscription
Duskscar Human Rogue Alliance 62 Maidenless 430
Dvak Human Paladin Alliance 80 Maidenless 2520 Engineering Inscription
Raznak Human Warlock Alliance 80 Maidenless 2425 Alchemy Herbalism
Strongbrew Human Warrior Alliance 41 The Chalice 260 Blacksmithing Mining
Yelletwo Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 2040 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Miza Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 2440 Engineering
Kritikal Night Elf Hunter Alliance 37 The Chalice 220 Leatherworking Skinning
Drcruel Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 2420 Tailoring Engineering
Mpoumpou Human Mage Alliance 80 The Chalice 2190 Tailoring Enchanting
Laffaer Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 1880 Tailoring Enchanting
Velnaria Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 1500 Leatherworking Skinning
Marokan Human Death Knight Alliance 80 The Chalice 3130 Blacksmithing Engineering
Dkdosemnick Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 The Chalice 1615 Engineering
Prymus Human Warrior Alliance 80 The Chalice 2475 Blacksmithing Mining
Araceali Human Paladin Alliance 76 The Chalice 995 Alchemy Herbalism
Denbelg Human Rogue Alliance 80 The Chalice 1880 Engineering
Iuxury Human Warlock Alliance 80 The Chalice 6410 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Kltty Night Elf Druid Alliance 70 The Chalice 710 Tailoring Engineering
Naturol Night Elf Druid Alliance 67 The Chalice 700 Tailoring Enchanting
Palidon Human Paladin Alliance 66 The Chalice 520 Mining Jewelcrafting
Azurol Draenei Shaman Alliance 63 The Chalice 420 Alchemy Herbalism
Smidget Gnome Warlock Alliance 9 The Chalice 0
Pervertmonk Dwarf Priest Alliance 80 The Chalice 2175 Tailoring Skinning
Kritzer Human Death Knight Alliance 67 The Chalice 220 Mining
Zanariah Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 1875 Alchemy Herbalism
Ikac Night Elf Warrior Alliance 80 The Chalice 5990 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Kanaba Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 The Chalice 2810 Leatherworking Engineering
Volor Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 1695 Alchemy Herbalism
Osho Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 4825 Leatherworking Engineering
Brunancio Gnome Mage Alliance 71 The Chalice 570 Tailoring Enchanting
Nevenfour Human Paladin Alliance 73 The Chalice 670 Blacksmithing Mining
Agressiveirl Human Death Knight Alliance 80 The Chalice 1835 Mining Engineering
Ogog Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 The Chalice 4880 Tailoring Engineering
Xilaria Draenei Mage Alliance 43 The Chalice 180 Tailoring Enchanting
Vleeslul Human Priest Alliance 40 The Chalice 260 Alchemy Herbalism
Nohhzeus Human Death Knight Alliance 80 The Chalice 1600 Mining Jewelcrafting
Bubblebye Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 2520 Enchanting Jewelcrafting
Grumhilda Human Paladin Alliance 76 The Chalice 590 Tailoring Enchanting
Baladins Human Paladin Alliance 74 The Chalice 570 Mining Engineering
Lipfiend Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 The Chalice 1060 Tailoring Skinning
Ikkoyu Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 The Chalice 4925 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Mingeminer Gnome Mage Alliance 80 The Chalice 2405 Alchemy Enchanting
Taival Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 1635 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Olone Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 The Chalice 780 Mining Jewelcrafting
Kalikali Human Priest Alliance 74 The Chalice 600 Tailoring
Elbkz Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 1890 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Strangel Night Elf Hunter Alliance 35 The Chalice 430 Mining Engineering
Iun Night Elf Priest Alliance 42 The Chalice 360 Tailoring Skinning
Sophiella Human Priest Alliance 80 The Chalice 2045 Tailoring Enchanting
Killjustice Human Paladin Alliance 75 The Chalice 580 Mining Engineering
Blover Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 870 Blacksmithing Mining
Maegistra Human Mage Alliance 80 The Chalice 1750 Alchemy Herbalism
Rubeena Draenei Mage Alliance 70 The Chalice 680 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Feignaz Draenei Shaman Alliance 74 The Chalice 1250 Alchemy Herbalism
Farlis Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 1755 Engineering Enchanting
Cheesyburger Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 The Chalice 1705 Mining Engineering
Aelriah Human Rogue Alliance 80 The Chalice 1590 Herbalism Skinning
Alxandro Draenei Paladin Alliance 25 The Chalice 170 Mining
Rbrq Draenei Shaman Alliance 76 The Chalice 910 Alchemy Herbalism
Annilu Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 The Chalice 3420 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Skydemon Draenei Warrior Alliance 80 The Chalice 1175 Alchemy Herbalism
Hunsvotti Human Rogue Alliance 72 The Chalice 660 Mining Engineering
Setta Human Rogue Alliance 80 The Chalice 1870 Mining Engineering
Mictlantl Human Death Knight Alliance 70 The Chalice 360 Jewelcrafting
Aracealii Night Elf Hunter Alliance 70 The Chalice 670 Alchemy Herbalism
Olkoot Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 The Chalice 2125 Mining Engineering
Nayanastrike Night Elf Rogue Alliance 74 The Chalice 570 Leatherworking Skinning
Lalimila Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 1695 Alchemy Herbalism
Sesinepegral Dwarf Hunter Alliance 73 The Chalice 720 Mining Engineering
Galomora Night Elf Druid Alliance 76 The Chalice 970 Leatherworking Skinning
Yshnn Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 2100 Tailoring Enchanting
Papadilla Gnome Mage Alliance 74 The Chalice 800 Alchemy Herbalism
Vieetnam Night Elf Warrior Alliance 43 The Chalice 260 Mining Engineering
Parshu Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 58 The Chalice 110
Dustpan Draenei Priest Alliance 70 The Chalice 610 Mining Jewelcrafting
Samma Human Mage Alliance 59 The Chalice 340 Leatherworking Skinning
Balian Human Warrior Alliance 80 The Chalice 2670 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Mystis Draenei Shaman Alliance 71 The Chalice 630 Herbalism Inscription
Ishhn Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 1820 Mining Enchanting
Pearlbeard Dwarf Death Knight Alliance 62 The Chalice 180 Blacksmithing Mining
Sotora Human Rogue Alliance 65 The Chalice 620 Alchemy Herbalism
Lunseaa Draenei Paladin Alliance 28 The Chalice 180 Mining Engineering
Incognita Human Rogue Alliance 80 The Chalice 2255 Engineering Skinning
Kiryndel Human Warrior Alliance 25 The Chalice 110 Mining Engineering
Thelicia Human Paladin Alliance 52 The Chalice 280 Alchemy Herbalism
Luminesta Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 4010 Blacksmithing Mining
Trelifaxx Night Elf Rogue Alliance 41 The Chalice 340 Engineering Enchanting
Rammy Gnome Warlock Alliance 72 The Chalice 1040 Tailoring Enchanting
Depsi Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 1805 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Theholyweed Night Elf Priest Alliance 78 The Chalice 740 Herbalism Inscription
Nayath Night Elf Warrior Alliance 69 The Chalice 570 Mining Engineering
Missomage Draenei Mage Alliance 80 The Chalice 1050 Tailoring Enchanting
Nuen Human Priest Alliance 72 The Chalice 660 Alchemy Herbalism
Bugeceson Human Paladin Alliance 72 The Chalice 580 Mining Jewelcrafting
Amaia Human Mage Alliance 17 The Chalice 80 Tailoring Enchanting
Sernack Draenei Paladin Alliance 36 The Chalice 150
Lottus Human Rogue Alliance 51 The Chalice 300 Tailoring Enchanting
Audius Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 810 Tailoring Enchanting
Lylenn Night Elf Druid Alliance 67 The Chalice 500 Enchanting Jewelcrafting
Sharkyz Human Rogue Alliance 54 The Chalice 490 Leatherworking Skinning
Phoster Draenei Paladin Alliance 31 The Chalice 180 Mining Jewelcrafting
Seydoux Draenei Shaman Alliance 30 The Chalice 160
Myrlidiir Night Elf Druid Alliance 27 The Chalice 290 Herbalism Inscription
Malkiabebi Human Rogue Alliance 7 The Chalice 50
Fluffette Night Elf Hunter Alliance 8 The Chalice 0 Skinning
Axetomouth Human Warrior Alliance 24 The Chalice 100
Lazyskathi Night Elf Hunter Alliance 62 The Chalice 660 Mining Engineering
Calvenium Human Paladin Alliance 63 The Chalice 500 Leatherworking Tailoring
Connie Gnome Warlock Alliance 80 The Chalice 645 Alchemy Herbalism
Ethere Night Elf Druid Alliance 69 The Chalice 570 Enchanting
Aelah Human Priest Alliance 80 The Chalice 1055 Tailoring Enchanting
Kenyssae Night Elf Hunter Alliance 6 The Chalice 0
Nachtschatte Draenei Hunter Alliance 79 The Chalice 1010 Alchemy Herbalism
Bohema Draenei Death Knight Alliance 74 The Chalice 450 Skinning
Sharkpala Human Paladin Alliance 24 The Chalice 90 Mining Engineering
Ordan Human Warrior Alliance 71 The Chalice 610 Blacksmithing Mining
Syrind Night Elf Rogue Alliance 50 The Chalice 490 Leatherworking Skinning
Kokopellip Human Paladin Alliance 69 The Chalice 470 Mining Skinning
Gypsystab Human Rogue Alliance 40 The Chalice 260
Acchi Human Warlock Alliance 30 The Chalice 300 Alchemy Herbalism
Sheepalot Human Mage Alliance 21 The Chalice 80 Engineering Enchanting
Osgilliat Night Elf Druid Alliance 11 The Chalice 30
Theruthless Night Elf Hunter Alliance 29 The Chalice 400 Alchemy Herbalism
Judgealot Human Paladin Alliance 49 The Chalice 260 Mining Engineering
Nytark Human Mage Alliance 9 The Chalice 10
Astranesta Gnome Mage Alliance 72 The Chalice 1000 Alchemy Herbalism
Kerebrirus Night Elf Druid Alliance 38 The Chalice 430 Alchemy Herbalism
Helinakeiju Draenei Shaman Alliance 18 The Chalice 70
Legolasis Night Elf Hunter Alliance 73 The Chalice 630 Mining Engineering
Yshn Gnome Mage Alliance 80 The Chalice 1435 Tailoring Enchanting
Flinn Human Paladin Alliance 13 The Chalice 30 Blacksmithing Mining
Lindow Night Elf Hunter Alliance 71 The Chalice 520 Leatherworking Skinning
Armoura Draenei Warrior Alliance 3 The Chalice 0
Oxgard Dwarf Warrior Alliance 24 The Chalice 260 Mining Skinning
Mirtaloni Gnome Warlock Alliance 29 The Chalice 300 Herbalism Inscription
Quadrober Night Elf Druid Alliance 21 The Chalice 180 Herbalism Skinning
Oumsdk Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 The Chalice 1260 Mining Engineering
Desmoond Human Warlock Alliance 14 The Chalice 30 Alchemy Herbalism
Axea Night Elf Warrior Alliance 20 The Chalice 130
Aqu Night Elf Hunter Alliance 72 The Chalice 870 Leatherworking Skinning
Murlendir Dwarf Warrior Alliance 76 The Chalice 650 Blacksmithing Mining
Rhey Human Mage Alliance 33 The Chalice 190 Tailoring
Plebeius Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 The Chalice 2220 Alchemy Herbalism
Getep Dwarf Priest Alliance 80 The Chalice 1450 Alchemy Skinning
Lockzeira Human Warlock Alliance 73 The Chalice 210
Phrieze Human Mage Alliance 62 The Chalice 370 Tailoring Engineering
Divinecake Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 1560 Blacksmithing Mining
Chestday Human Warrior Alliance 43 The Chalice 250 Mining
Petarda Human Warrior Alliance 41 The Chalice 240 Blacksmithing Mining
Bloodheal Draenei Priest Alliance 61 The Chalice 380 Herbalism Inscription
Mangow Night Elf Druid Alliance 1 The Chalice 0
Starnova Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 The Chalice 2200 Leatherworking Skinning
Spartacvs Human Warlock Alliance 80 The Chalice 810 Tailoring Enchanting
Tailwhip Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 2570 Alchemy Herbalism
Virfidey Draenei Priest Alliance 34 The Chalice 180 Tailoring Jewelcrafting
Kloord Human Death Knight Alliance 80 The Chalice 1525 Enchanting Jewelcrafting
Shiburen Human Paladin Alliance 72 The Chalice 690 Mining Engineering
Savedx Human Paladin Alliance 53 The Chalice 310 Leatherworking Skinning
Cakeday Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 1165 Mining Skinning
Bubbol Dwarf Priest Alliance 26 The Chalice 150 Herbalism Inscription
Dreamwalkeer Night Elf Warrior Alliance 80 The Chalice 2345 Alchemy Herbalism
Goet Human Priest Alliance 47 The Chalice 270 Tailoring
Solanum Night Elf Druid Alliance 13 The Chalice 50 Skinning
Kritikol Night Elf Warrior Alliance 22 The Chalice 180 Blacksmithing Mining
Newk Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Chalice 2205 Tailoring
Snikkelsaus Draenei Shaman Alliance 60 The Chalice 320 Engineering Enchanting
Marrccellinn Draenei Death Knight Alliance 58 The Chalice 130
Antero Gnome Mage Alliance 73 The Chalice 880 Mining Engineering
Ofra Human Warlock Alliance 80 The Chalice 1560 Tailoring Enchanting
Giblit Dwarf Paladin Alliance 7 The Chalice 0 Mining
Toofpick Gnome Mage Alliance 7 The Chalice 0
Dudinka Draenei Hunter Alliance 6 The Chalice 20
Yourefat Draenei Paladin Alliance 25 The Chalice 110
Outcry Gnome Warlock Alliance 5 The Chalice 0
Aelri Draenei Paladin Alliance 42 The Chalice 190 Mining Jewelcrafting
Randylahey Draenei Warrior Alliance 80 The Chalice 1545 Alchemy Herbalism
Holyfaith Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 1945 Mining
Thayaa Human Mage Alliance 33 The Chalice 170 Tailoring Enchanting
Melouun Draenei Priest Alliance 20 The Chalice 70 Mining
Eleyana Night Elf Druid Alliance 70 The Chalice 630 Tailoring Enchanting
Headache Draenei Shaman Alliance 64 The Chalice 240
Westend Night Elf Druid Alliance 65 The Chalice 540 Herbalism Jewelcrafting
Tridantra Human Paladin Alliance 27 The Chalice 80
Falhan Draenei Shaman Alliance 68 The Chalice 750 Leatherworking Skinning
Kandy Gnome Mage Alliance 27 The Chalice 200 Tailoring Enchanting
Grbavac Human Priest Alliance 42 The Chalice 230 Mining Tailoring
Layllesa Human Rogue Alliance 29 The Chalice 320 Engineering Enchanting
Polkadots Human Warlock Alliance 70 The Chalice 870 Tailoring Engineering
Dubfreak Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 1275 Blacksmithing Enchanting
Ethador Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Chalice 2710 Blacksmithing Mining
Imperialis Human Death Knight Alliance 80 The Chalice 1135 Blacksmithing Mining
Westershire Human Paladin Alliance 73 The Chalice 500 Blacksmithing Mining
Neverenough Night Elf Druid Alliance 46 The Chalice 270 Tailoring Enchanting
Television Draenei Hunter Alliance 80 The Chalice 2700 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Shooterz Night Elf Hunter Alliance 60 The Chalice 460 Mining Engineering
Walda Night Elf Priest Alliance 64 The Chalice 500 Tailoring Enchanting
Gnitler Gnome Mage Alliance 39 The Chalice 320 Tailoring Enchanting
Bowen Dwarf Paladin Alliance 29 The Chalice 140 Mining Engineering
Grassu Draenei Shaman Alliance 75 Chalice Cleaner 580 Herbalism Inscription
Wests Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 3830 Engineering Enchanting
Grassa Human Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 3100 Blacksmithing Alchemy
Auronn Human Rogue Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 3350 Leatherworking Jewelcrafting
Sertoria Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1790 Alchemy Herbalism
Rogal Human Warrior Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2155 Blacksmithing Mining
Fmoney Night Elf Warrior Alliance 78 Chalice Cleaner 780 Mining Engineering
Abulaya Human Rogue Alliance 59 Chalice Cleaner 660 Mining Skinning
Twenzy Dwarf Hunter Alliance 75 Chalice Cleaner 1010 Leatherworking Skinning
Uglyho Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1805 Mining Engineering
Iuna Night Elf Druid Alliance 78 Chalice Cleaner 870 Alchemy Herbalism
Larkdhu Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 4235 Mining Tailoring
Bluespectre Human Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 990 Mining Engineering
Inyan Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1810 Mining Engineering
Paniz Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 65 Chalice Cleaner 220
Westshp Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 7870 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Myyrra Night Elf Hunter Alliance 78 Chalice Cleaner 670 Blacksmithing Mining
Littlemyy Night Elf Druid Alliance 76 Chalice Cleaner 720 Herbalism
Razboinika Human Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1230 Engineering
Oberyn Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 690
Ritka Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2090 Leatherworking Skinning
Yovanow Night Elf Hunter Alliance 71 Chalice Cleaner 470 Engineering Skinning
Taieghley Night Elf Druid Alliance 27 Chalice Cleaner 220 Tailoring Skinning
Azyva Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 670 Alchemy
Handsomme Night Elf Warrior Alliance 69 Chalice Cleaner 430 Engineering Enchanting
Sohum Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1285 Blacksmithing Mining
Palasy Human Warrior Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 935 Blacksmithing Mining
Elylaria Night Elf Priest Alliance 40 Chalice Cleaner 190 Tailoring Skinning
Discostorm Draenei Priest Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2165 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Tryndamere Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1530 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Doinurmom Human Warrior Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1240 Engineering Skinning
Svogoth Human Warlock Alliance 74 Chalice Cleaner 570 Tailoring Jewelcrafting
Psisko Human Priest Alliance 56 Chalice Cleaner 460 Tailoring Enchanting
Featherr Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1210 Leatherworking Skinning
Nielgaiman Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 850
Calana Human Priest Alliance 63 Chalice Cleaner 290 Alchemy Herbalism
Ashien Human Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2035 Mining Jewelcrafting
Cheesytaco Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1585 Leatherworking Skinning
Nanahoshi Human Priest Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1930 Tailoring Enchanting
Wuldnah Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1050 Alchemy Engineering
Phantome Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1465 Leatherworking Skinning
Uraume Human Mage Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1655
Dexio Human Rogue Alliance 61 Chalice Cleaner 480 Mining Engineering
Reisist Human Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2755 Blacksmithing Mining
Katriel Human Priest Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1305 Herbalism Inscription
Karnaval Human Warrior Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1550 Mining Engineering
Bitterstar Human Mage Alliance 77 Chalice Cleaner 750 Tailoring Skinning
Boltorn Human Warlock Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1535 Tailoring Enchanting
Ragebeard Dwarf Warrior Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2465 Blacksmithing Mining
Joshben Human Warlock Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1110
Freezedeez Draenei Death Knight Alliance 60 Chalice Cleaner 450 Mining Jewelcrafting
Ambushz Human Rogue Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1365 Mining Engineering
Irenia Human Priest Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1535 Mining Jewelcrafting
Slickwilly Human Warrior Alliance 71 Chalice Cleaner 550 Blacksmithing Mining
Rucky Draenei Warrior Alliance 31 Chalice Cleaner 200 Blacksmithing Mining
Josiahua Human Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2810 Blacksmithing Mining
Falath Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 71 Chalice Cleaner 350
Huddorick Human Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2020 Mining Engineering
Weflicec Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2245 Mining Jewelcrafting
Whartthw Human Death Knight Alliance 57 Chalice Cleaner 100
Vidan Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 740
Fredi Draenei Mage Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1795 Tailoring Engineering
Ahunta Draenei Hunter Alliance 10 Chalice Cleaner 20
Shaqarri Human Rogue Alliance 74 Chalice Cleaner 740 Tailoring Engineering
Arcanathos Human Death Knight Alliance 75 Chalice Cleaner 540 Herbalism Mining
Demki Night Elf Priest Alliance 67 Chalice Cleaner 720 Tailoring Enchanting
Sneakyturtle Human Paladin Alliance 70 Chalice Cleaner 600 Herbalism Mining
Drewcat Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1635 Alchemy Herbalism
Krivina Dwarf Paladin Alliance 63 Chalice Cleaner 620 Mining Jewelcrafting
Gorii Draenei Mage Alliance 70 Chalice Cleaner 900 Tailoring Enchanting
Zttr Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 915
Napoles Dwarf Hunter Alliance 67 Chalice Cleaner 590 Mining Engineering
Iacobi Night Elf Druid Alliance 14 Chalice Cleaner 60 Herbalism
Bonmotley Human Warrior Alliance 32 Chalice Cleaner 220 Mining Engineering
Naruhiko Human Paladin Alliance 23 Chalice Cleaner 130 Mining Jewelcrafting
Feainnewedd Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1690 Tailoring Enchanting
Unchosen Human Warlock Alliance 72 Chalice Cleaner 470 Tailoring
Snackss Human Paladin Alliance 40 Chalice Cleaner 320 Mining Skinning
Deathcake Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 70 Chalice Cleaner 320 Skinning
Dexios Night Elf Druid Alliance 16 Chalice Cleaner 60 Leatherworking Skinning
Kileky Gnome Warlock Alliance 78 Chalice Cleaner 760 Mining Engineering
Siga Human Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1180
Baboomi Night Elf Druid Alliance 46 Chalice Cleaner 320 Tailoring Enchanting
Weilona Draenei Shaman Alliance 7 Chalice Cleaner 0 Herbalism Mining
Hannibell Draenei Hunter Alliance 25 Chalice Cleaner 250 Mining Engineering
Trixster Human Paladin Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1685 Tailoring Enchanting
Medivhson Human Mage Alliance 42 Chalice Cleaner 350 Alchemy Herbalism
Alittlemore Night Elf Hunter Alliance 26 Chalice Cleaner 150 Mining Engineering
Mikotomisaka Human Paladin Alliance 27 Chalice Cleaner 150 Mining Jewelcrafting
Erdly Human Priest Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 1585 Herbalism Mining
Alextgreat Night Elf Hunter Alliance 29 Chalice Cleaner 160 Mining Engineering
Healcraft Human Priest Alliance 24 Chalice Cleaner 140 Tailoring Enchanting
Aurond Night Elf Druid Alliance 25 Chalice Cleaner 160 Alchemy Herbalism
Rurudo Draenei Shaman Alliance 69 Chalice Cleaner 390 Engineering Enchanting
Walderon Human Warlock Alliance 48 Chalice Cleaner 520 Mining Jewelcrafting
Mulltinha Human Paladin Alliance 74 Chalice Cleaner 220
Nurr Night Elf Druid Alliance 74 Chalice Cleaner 680 Tailoring
Kuwa Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2055 Engineering Skinning
Morpheen Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Chalice Cleaner 2250 Mining Engineering
Sayten Night Elf Druid Alliance 64 Chalice Cleaner 555 Mining
Toeknee Dwarf Paladin Alliance 75 Chalice Cleaner 750 Mining Skinning
Helarctea Night Elf Druid Alliance 59 Chalice Cleaner 340 Alchemy Herbalism
Minotavar Human Rogue Alliance 36 Chalice Cleaner 190 Leatherworking Skinning
Stordonk Human Paladin Alliance 15 Chalice Cleaner 50 Blacksmithing Mining
Auronh Draenei Hunter Alliance 31 Chalice Cleaner 210 Mining Engineering
Seante Human Priest Alliance 14 Chalice Cleaner 40 Tailoring Enchanting
Metamine Draenei Shaman Alliance 49 Chalice Cleaner 390 Mining Engineering
Kamilion Human Warlock Alliance 28 Chalice Cleaner 250 Mining Tailoring
Johndor Human Paladin Alliance 23 Chalice Cleaner 140 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Ringworm Draenei Priest Alliance 18 Chalice Cleaner 70 Tailoring Enchanting
Magnis Dwarf Warrior Alliance 1 Chalice Cleaner 0
Elviscoso Human Paladin Alliance 30 Chalice Cleaner 180 Blacksmithing Mining
Portalino Gnome Mage Alliance 52 Chalice Cleaner 200 Tailoring Enchanting
Maleficus Gnome Mage Alliance 54 Chalice Cleaner 380 Alchemy Herbalism
Skylief Night Elf Druid Alliance 17 Chalice Cleaner 90 Leatherworking Skinning
Anthuann Human Priest Alliance 46 Chalice Cleaner 430 Alchemy Herbalism
Unpy Human Paladin Alliance 46 Chalice Cleaner 290 Blacksmithing Mining
Revelacion Human Mage Alliance 44 Chalice Cleaner 210 Tailoring Enchanting
Armaros Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 79 Chalice Cleaner 400 Engineering
Salchichazo Draenei Warrior Alliance 13 Chalice Cleaner 20 Blacksmithing Mining
Shirv Night Elf Warrior Alliance 44 Chalice Cleaner 260 Blacksmithing Mining
Dwarfiron Dwarf Hunter Alliance 33 Chalice Cleaner 190 Mining Engineering
Masuco Night Elf Warrior Alliance 22 Chalice Cleaner 80
Catrasca Human Warrior Alliance 13 Chalice Cleaner 30
Myluve Human Warlock Alliance 19 Chalice Cleaner 30
Jonansexum Night Elf Druid Alliance 49 Chalice Cleaner 330 Herbalism Inscription
Markokuze Draenei Hunter Alliance 18 Chalice Cleaner 40 Mining Engineering
Arayashiki Night Elf Druid Alliance 2 Chalice Cleaner 0 Herbalism Skinning
Defektolog Night Elf Druid Alliance 63 Chalice Cleaner 620 Enchanting Jewelcrafting