none of the above
Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 8 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Allstats Captain Human Paladin Alliance 80 Guild Master 2955 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Bestmage Human Mage Alliance 80 Officer 3285 Tailoring Engineering
Matters Human Paladin Alliance 80 Officer 3265 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Singulare Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Officer 5190 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Neemo Human Warlock Alliance 80 Officer 4040 Tailoring Engineering
Dcs Human Rogue Alliance 80 Officer 4610 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Bea Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Officer 3380 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Suggestive Human Priest Alliance 80 Officer 4190 Tailoring Engineering