Noth the Plaguebringer
10 man
3 Points
Rank 50+


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Zvra The Noob Guild Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 5590
Tricksx The Noob Guild Alliance 80 Night Elf Rogue Combat 3265
Gokkanlk The Noob Guild Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Feral Combat 3065
Gothread Guardians Of Justice Alliance 80 Draenei Priest Discipline 2915
Noobmourne The Noob Guild Alliance 80 Draenei Warrior Fury 2135
Enchainment The Noob Guild Alliance 80 Draenei Shaman 1940
Imhai The Noob Guild Alliance 80 Draenei Death Knight Blood 1985
Tuska The Noob Guild Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 1990
Flamorde The Noob Guild Alliance 80 Gnome Warlock Demonology 1905
Nielaus The Noob Guild Alliance 80 Night Elf Hunter Marksmanship 1820