The Four Horsemen
10 man
3 Points

Boss defeated after 2 unsuccessful attempts
Rank 50+


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Shadowhuntin GoG Alliance 80 Night Elf Hunter Marksmanship 4975
Poguzija Milfs and cookies Alliance 80 Dwarf Paladin Retribution 7600
Nefertieri GoG Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 1615
Kissmyface GoG Alliance 80 Draenei Shaman 1785
Hamuske GoG Alliance 80 Human Rogue Combat 2005
Issala GoG Alliance 80 Human Paladin Protection 6910
Dontstandin GoG Alliance 80 Human Priest Discipline 1940
Baldakir GoG Alliance 80 Human Paladin Holy 2250
Lystra GoG Alliance 80 Night Elf Death Knight Blood 1510