Lord Marrowgar
10 man , Heroic
10 Points
Rank 50+
Achievements Completed
 Heroic: Storming the Citadel (10 player)


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Petlonchas Tolerance Alliance 80 Draenei Hunter Marksmanship 3640
Togrim Tolerance Alliance 80 Human Rogue Combat 3635
Woodypal Tolerance Alliance 80 Human Paladin Holy 2605
Sabbath Winery Of Exodar Alliance 80 Draenei Death Knight Blood 7705
Aelma Tolerance Alliance 80 Human Warlock Demonology 5090
Cattusandu Tolerance Alliance 80 Night Elf Warrior Fury 1950
Roesy Tolerance Alliance 80 Human Paladin Protection 3150
Netherain Tolerance Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Restoration 2365
Cleopatra Tolerance Horde 80 Blood Elf Priest Shadow 7945
Fuchan Tolerance Alliance 80 Human Paladin Retribution 3005