Blood-Queen Lana'thel
10 man
5 Points
Rank 50+


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Scourgevux The Brothers BRS Horde 80 Orc Death Knight Unholy 2930
Darkynho A F K Horde 80 Blood Elf Paladin Retribution 4170
Jalimrabei The Brothers BRS Horde 80 Blood Elf Priest Shadow 1685
Calike The Brothers BRS Horde 80 Undead Mage 1280
Marlos Molon Of Duron Horde 80 Tauren Druid Restoration 1560
Djdarkk The Brothers BRS Horde 80 Orc Death Knight Frost 1620
Furialobo The Brothers BRS Alliance 80 Human Paladin Protection 1600
Thunderbold The Brothers BRS Horde 80 Orc Shaman 1240
Donnyzx The Brothers BRS Horde 80 Orc Warrior Fury 1530
Jeffr The Brothers BRS Horde 80 Orc Hunter Marksmanship 1250