Valithria Dreamwalker
10 man , Heroic
10 Points
Rank 50+


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Nadarko Horde 80 Tauren Druid Balance 1260
Appocaliptic Ulduar Kids Horde 80 Troll Shaman 2790
Netskywar Warlords of Insanity Horde 80 Tauren Warrior Protection 1185
Alucardoo Warlords of Insanity Horde 80 Blood Elf Paladin Retribution 1865
Albixxon Warlords of Insanity Horde 80 Troll Hunter Marksmanship 1405
Drobeckova Warlords of Insanity Horde 80 Undead Priest Discipline 1610
Estragone Warlords of Insanity Horde 80 Tauren Warrior Fury 1805
Monstertouch Warlords of Insanity Horde 80 Orc Death Knight Unholy 1495
Tarrgaryeen Warlords of Insanity Horde 80 Tauren Druid Restoration 2090
Guccikalifa Warlords of Insanity Horde 80 Undead Warlock Destruction 935