10 man
3 Points
Rank 41
Achievements Completed
 Call of the Crusade (10 player)


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Shirosaki One Month Guild Alliance 80 Human Rogue Assassination 2320
Marzintaim Saints of Sweden Alliance 80 Human Warlock Affliction 1355
Killtoxdk Dacii Alliance 80 Draenei Death Knight Frost 2565
Hornyhentai One Month Guild Alliance 80 Draenei Priest Discipline 1980
Jakadastroca One Month Guild Alliance 80 Draenei Paladin Protection 2935
Goatdgoat One Month Guild Alliance 80 Draenei Warrior Fury 2880
Yuumeeh One Month Guild Alliance 80 Draenei Hunter Survival 1780
Cabritagem One Month Guild Alliance 80 Draenei Death Knight Blood 3885
Daleh One Month Guild Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 3660
Heyon One Month Guild Alliance 80 Night Elf Rogue Combat 1540