The Arena Points
Alliance 3v3 Team, Lordaeron
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0% 1331
Season 110 43 / 67 39.1% 1331


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Cristo Captain Rebirth of Justice Human Warrior Alliance Lordaeron 42 109 1324 1365
Saraphan Cake Lovers Draenei Shaman Alliance Lordaeron 43 96 1367 1468
Provoke BURST DRAGON Draenei Shaman Alliance Lordaeron 0 10 972 1395
Facada Rebirth of Justice Human Rogue Alliance Lordaeron 19 62 1324 1337
Skizzofrend Rebirth of Justice Human Death Knight Alliance Lordaeron 24 47 1131 1532

Rating History