Alliance 2v2 Team, Blackrock
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0% 1948
Season 363 200 / 163 55.1% 1948


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Calahan use GM spell to win Night Elf Druid Alliance Blackrock 6 10 1265 1699
Imsoju Human Warrior Alliance Blackrock 97 178 1949 1955
Erwinromel Human Warrior Alliance Blackrock 94 162 1840 1859
Robynbanks WHO THE F DO U THINK I M Draenei Shaman Alliance Blackrock 0 2 999 1492
Gunners Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 2 8 1095 1601
Ragerinreal BRO MAYBE FORTNITE Human Rogue Alliance Blackrock 1 3 1047 1622
Ewewewewewex Captain WHO THE F DO U THINK I M Human Paladin Alliance Blackrock 200 363 1948 1950

Rating History