Item name | Amount |
Hearthstone | 1 |
Runic Healing Potion | 12 |
Heavy Frostweave Bandage | 12 |
Sharp Arrow | 199 |
Honey-Spiced Lichen | 9 |
Deadly Poison IX | 4 |
Instant Poison IX | 4 |
Shadow Crystal Focusing Lens | 1 |
Item name | Amount |
Honor Points | 6312 |
Arena Points | 25 |
King's Square Postbox Key | 1 |
Crusaders' Square Postbox Key | 1 |
Festival Lane Postbox Key | 1 |
Defias Tower Key | 1 |
Stone Keeper's Shard | 18 |
Emblem of Triumph | 6 |
Emblem of Frost | 14 |