Valerawarden Wranglers
Level 80 Tauren Druid, Icecrown
Achievement Points

Match History

Match ID Team Outcome Personal Rating Start Time Duration Map Details
25113567 oaoa (2v2) Loss 1533 (-10) December 10 10:04pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
25431945 oaoa (2v2) Loss 1563 (-11) December 27 9:13pm 4 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28526031 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 0 (0) April 22 8:06am 4 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28538490 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 0 (0) April 22 8:04pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28539046 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 0 (0) April 22 8:24pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28540330 Solo Queue (5v5) Victory 48 (+48) April 22 9:17pm 7 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28540672 Solo Queue (5v5) Victory 96 (+48) April 22 9:31pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28540732 Solo Queue (5v5) Victory 144 (+48) April 22 9:33pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28540790 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 144 (0) April 22 9:36pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28541067 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 144 (0) April 22 9:48pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28541130 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 144 (0) April 22 9:51pm 49 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28541209 Solo Queue (5v5) Victory 192 (+48) April 22 9:55pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28547810 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) April 23 9:24am 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28547844 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) April 23 9:28am 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28547901 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) April 23 9:33am 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28562151 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 48 (+48) April 23 8:01pm 25 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28562187 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 96 (+48) April 23 8:02pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28562255 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 96 (0) April 23 8:04pm 46 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28562313 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 96 (0) April 23 8:06pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28562383 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 144 (+48) April 23 8:07pm 20 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28562416 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 144 (0) April 23 8:08pm 38 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28562460 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 192 (+48) April 23 8:10pm 28 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28562516 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 240 (+48) April 23 8:11pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28562589 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 288 (+48) April 23 8:13pm 21 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28562621 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 336 (+48) April 23 8:14pm 40 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28562666 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 384 (+48) April 23 8:16pm 5 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28562909 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 384 (0) April 23 8:22pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28562989 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 432 (+48) April 23 8:24pm 6 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28563009 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 480 (+48) April 23 8:25pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
28563136 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 528 (+48) April 23 8:28pm 36 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28563195 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 576 (+48) April 23 8:30pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28563310 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 624 (+48) April 23 8:33pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28563409 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 624 (0) April 23 8:35pm 32 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
28563456 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 672 (+48) April 23 8:36pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28563520 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 720 (+48) April 23 8:38pm 13 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28563558 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 719 (-1) April 23 8:39pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28563737 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 718 (-1) April 23 8:44pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28563888 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 766 (+48) April 23 8:48pm 48 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28563952 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 766 (0) April 23 8:49pm 38 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28564009 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 814 (+48) April 23 8:51pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28564102 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 862 (+48) April 23 8:53pm 56 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28564176 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 861 (-1) April 23 8:55pm 55 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28564234 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 860 (-1) April 23 8:57pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28564384 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 908 (+48) April 23 9:01pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28564480 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 956 (+48) April 23 9:03pm 48 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28564551 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1004 (+48) April 23 9:05pm 44 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28564595 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1002 (-2) April 23 9:06pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28564667 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1050 (+48) April 23 9:08pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28564760 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1098 (+48) April 23 9:11pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28564861 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1095 (-3) April 23 9:13pm 44 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28564916 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1143 (+48) April 23 9:15pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28565022 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1188 (+45) April 23 9:18pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28565101 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1185 (-3) April 23 9:20pm 35 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28565144 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1181 (-4) April 23 9:21pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28565273 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1178 (-3) April 23 9:24pm 38 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28565330 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1174 (-4) April 23 9:26pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28565415 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1171 (-3) April 23 9:29pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28565485 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1209 (+38) April 23 9:31pm 45 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28565533 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1241 (+32) April 23 9:32pm 60 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28565587 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1270 (+29) April 23 9:34pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28565664 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1266 (-4) April 23 9:36pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28565727 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1262 (-4) April 23 9:38pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28565853 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1258 (-4) April 23 9:41pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28565920 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1285 (+27) April 23 9:43pm 55 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28565974 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1309 (+24) April 23 9:45pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28566025 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1304 (-5) April 23 9:47pm 4 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28566168 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1326 (+22) April 23 9:52pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28566301 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1346 (+20) April 23 9:56pm 32 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
28566333 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1341 (-5) April 23 9:58pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28566418 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1336 (-5) April 23 10:00pm 40 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
28566457 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1355 (+19) April 23 10:02pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28566513 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1349 (-6) April 23 10:04pm 35 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28586188 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) April 24 9:05pm 50 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
28707022 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1344 (-5) April 30 6:45pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28707153 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1366 (+22) April 30 6:49pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28707223 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1360 (-6) April 30 6:50pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28707277 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1352 (-8) April 30 6:52pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28707356 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1347 (-5) April 30 6:55pm 48 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28707404 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1341 (-6) April 30 6:56pm 43 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28707446 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1360 (+19) April 30 6:58pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28707498 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1354 (-6) April 30 6:59pm 56 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28707553 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1373 (+19) April 30 7:01pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28707617 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1366 (-7) April 30 7:03pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28707673 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1360 (-6) April 30 7:04pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28707727 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1380 (+20) April 30 7:06pm 3 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
28707867 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1374 (-6) April 30 7:11pm 52 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28707913 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1392 (+18) April 30 7:12pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28707962 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1409 (+17) April 30 7:14pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28708027 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1426 (+17) April 30 7:16pm 30 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28708062 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1442 (+16) April 30 7:17pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28708118 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1434 (-8) April 30 7:20pm 38 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28708152 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1450 (+16) April 30 7:21pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28708201 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1466 (+16) April 30 7:23pm 3 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28708334 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1458 (-8) April 30 7:28pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28708402 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1448 (-10) April 30 7:30pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28708497 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1440 (-8) April 30 7:33pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28708562 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1456 (+16) April 30 7:35pm 42 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28708612 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1448 (-8) April 30 7:36pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28708683 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1438 (-10) April 30 7:39pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28708807 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1430 (-8) April 30 7:42pm 54 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28708865 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1445 (+15) April 30 7:44pm 50 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28708926 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1463 (+18) April 30 7:45pm 21 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28708970 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1480 (+17) April 30 7:46pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28709073 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1494 (+14) April 30 7:49pm 57 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
28709127 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1508 (+14) April 30 7:51pm 48 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28709189 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1499 (-9) April 30 7:52pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28709265 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1491 (-8) April 30 7:55pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28709399 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1505 (+14) April 30 7:59pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28709470 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1518 (+13) April 30 8:01pm 46 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28709516 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1510 (-8) April 30 8:03pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28709571 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1523 (+13) April 30 8:04pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28709639 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1536 (+13) April 30 8:06pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28709702 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1528 (-8) April 30 8:09pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28709764 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1518 (-10) April 30 8:11pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
28709852 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1509 (-9) April 30 8:14pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28710003 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1501 (-8) April 30 8:18pm 33 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28710044 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1514 (+13) April 30 8:19pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28710130 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1528 (+14) April 30 8:22pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28710314 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1541 (+13) April 30 8:26pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28710403 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1529 (-12) April 30 8:29pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28710498 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1542 (+13) April 30 8:31pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28710590 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1534 (-8) April 30 8:34pm 40 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
28710660 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1547 (+13) April 30 8:36pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28710797 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1560 (+13) April 30 8:40pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28710855 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1548 (-12) April 30 8:42pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28710953 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1563 (+15) April 30 8:44pm 3 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
28711065 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1580 (+17) April 30 8:48pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28711130 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1570 (-10) April 30 8:50pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28711206 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1560 (-10) April 30 8:52pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28711290 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1552 (-8) April 30 8:55pm 3 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28711452 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1565 (+13) April 30 9:00pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28711567 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1577 (+12) April 30 9:03pm 42 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28711630 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1590 (+13) April 30 9:04pm 42 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28711687 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1582 (-8) April 30 9:06pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28711771 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1573 (-9) April 30 9:08pm 3 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28711921 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1586 (+13) April 30 9:12pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28712078 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1600 (+14) April 30 9:17pm 4 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28815933 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1592 (-8) May 05 8:27pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28815980 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1583 (-9) May 05 8:29pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28816038 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1595 (+12) May 05 8:31pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28816104 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1586 (-9) May 05 8:34pm 56 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28816158 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1575 (-11) May 05 8:36pm 4 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28816282 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1564 (-11) May 05 8:42pm 5 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28816437 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1578 (+14) May 05 8:48pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28816484 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1568 (-10) May 05 8:51pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
28816564 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1559 (-9) May 05 8:54pm 30 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28816590 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1573 (+14) May 05 8:56pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28816669 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1587 (+14) May 05 8:59pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28816723 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1575 (-12) May 05 9:01pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28816764 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1564 (-11) May 05 9:03pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28816820 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1555 (-9) May 05 9:06pm 58 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
28816873 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1545 (-10) May 05 9:07pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28816928 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1537 (-8) May 05 9:10pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28816987 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1526 (-11) May 05 9:12pm 56 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28817029 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1541 (+15) May 05 9:14pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28817085 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1532 (-9) May 05 9:17pm 46 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28817122 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1522 (-10) May 05 9:18pm 58 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28817162 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1537 (+15) May 05 9:20pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28817229 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1550 (+13) May 05 9:23pm 4 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28817348 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1563 (+13) May 05 9:28pm 44 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28817384 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1574 (+11) May 05 9:29pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28817431 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1565 (-9) May 05 9:31pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28817485 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1576 (+11) May 05 9:34pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28817538 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1587 (+11) May 05 9:37pm 48 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28817565 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1577 (-10) May 05 9:38pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28817652 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1568 (-9) May 05 9:43pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28817712 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1579 (+11) May 05 9:46pm 54 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
28817741 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1590 (+11) May 05 9:48pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28817792 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1580 (-10) May 05 9:50pm 43 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28817847 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1593 (+13) May 05 9:53pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28817884 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1584 (-9) May 05 9:55pm 50 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28859482 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) May 07 8:58pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28859737 Duo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) May 07 9:08pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28977466 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1576 (-8) May 13 8:14pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
28977540 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1589 (+13) May 13 8:16pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28977584 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1577 (-12) May 13 8:18pm 49 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28977616 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1569 (-8) May 13 8:20pm 54 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28977675 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1582 (+13) May 13 8:22pm 46 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
28977732 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1574 (-8) May 13 8:24pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28977786 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1562 (-12) May 13 8:26pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
28977863 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1574 (+12) May 13 8:30pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
28977929 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1565 (-9) May 13 8:32pm 5 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
28978057 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1576 (+11) May 13 8:39pm 4 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28978191 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1565 (-11) May 13 8:45pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28978258 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1576 (+11) May 13 8:48pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
28978306 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1589 (+13) May 13 8:51pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
28978391 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1603 (+14) May 13 8:55pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29091058 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1616 (+13) May 19 8:31pm 47 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29091116 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1606 (-10) May 19 8:33pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29091397 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1594 (-12) May 19 8:45pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29091490 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1585 (-9) May 19 8:49pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29091600 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1598 (+13) May 19 8:55pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29091705 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1587 (-11) May 19 8:59pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29091793 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1601 (+14) May 19 9:03pm 5 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29091913 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1594 (-7) May 19 9:09pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29117862 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1606 (+12) May 21 9:13am 4 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29117913 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1616 (+10) May 21 9:22am 43 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29117924 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1627 (+11) May 21 9:24am 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29117954 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1637 (+10) May 21 9:29am 59 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29117968 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1624 (-13) May 21 9:31am 8 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29118035 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1636 (+12) May 21 9:41am 3 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29118070 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1628 (-8) May 21 9:45am 5 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29118110 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1638 (+10) May 21 9:52am 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29118133 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1649 (+11) May 21 9:54am 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29118155 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1638 (-11) May 21 9:56am 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29118178 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1626 (-12) May 21 9:59am 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29118196 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1616 (-10) May 21 10:00am 4 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29118234 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1627 (+11) May 21 10:06am 6 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29118290 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1639 (+12) May 21 10:13am 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29118325 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1632 (-7) May 21 10:17am 38 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29118350 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1642 (+10) May 21 10:19am 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29118377 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1653 (+11) May 21 10:22am 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29118399 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1641 (-12) May 21 10:25am 53 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29118417 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1628 (-13) May 21 10:27am 25 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29118433 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1619 (-9) May 21 10:29am 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29118450 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1631 (+12) May 21 10:31am 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29118484 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1642 (+11) May 21 10:35am 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29118502 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1653 (+11) May 21 10:38am 58 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29118523 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1663 (+10) May 21 10:40am 50 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29118538 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1654 (-9) May 21 10:41am 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29118557 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1645 (-9) May 21 10:44am 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29118582 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1633 (-12) May 21 10:46am 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29118628 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1644 (+11) May 21 10:50am 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29118658 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1656 (+12) May 21 10:53am 6 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29118741 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1646 (-10) May 21 11:01am 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29118772 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1636 (-10) May 21 11:03am 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29118807 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1626 (-10) May 21 11:08am 4 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29118868 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1638 (+12) May 21 11:13am 7 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29118946 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1651 (+13) May 21 11:21am 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29118974 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1639 (-12) May 21 11:23am 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29118993 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1628 (-11) May 21 11:25am 59 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29119015 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1639 (+11) May 21 11:27am 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29119041 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1630 (-9) May 21 11:30am 48 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29119071 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1640 (+10) May 21 11:32am 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29119093 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1653 (+13) May 21 11:34am 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29119112 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1644 (-9) May 21 11:37am 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29119157 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1656 (+12) May 21 11:41am 58 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29119177 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1645 (-11) May 21 11:43am 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29119198 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1655 (+10) May 21 11:45am 50 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29119221 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1644 (-11) May 21 11:47am 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29264501 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1633 (-11) May 28 8:21pm 4 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29264668 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1619 (-14) May 28 8:26pm 58 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29264724 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1633 (+14) May 28 8:28pm 6 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29264976 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1620 (-13) May 28 8:36pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29265033 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1611 (-9) May 28 8:38pm 42 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29265085 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1621 (+10) May 28 8:40pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29265138 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1633 (+12) May 28 8:42pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29265243 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1648 (+15) May 28 8:45pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29265328 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1660 (+12) May 28 8:48pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29265446 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1649 (-11) May 28 8:52pm 4 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29265621 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1640 (-9) May 28 8:58pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29265753 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1652 (+12) May 28 9:02pm 3 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29265871 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1641 (-11) May 28 9:07pm 49 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29265924 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1652 (+11) May 28 9:09pm 51 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29265970 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1642 (-10) May 28 9:10pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29266050 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1653 (+11) May 28 9:14pm 4 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29266196 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1664 (+11) May 28 9:19pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29266284 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1652 (-12) May 28 9:22pm 3 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29266415 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1643 (-9) May 28 9:26pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29266549 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1653 (+10) May 28 9:31pm 48 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29266598 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1641 (-12) May 28 9:33pm 3 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29266747 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1653 (+12) May 28 9:38pm 9 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29267044 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1665 (+12) May 28 9:48pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29267095 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1652 (-13) May 28 9:50pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29267181 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1641 (-11) May 28 9:53pm 5 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29267295 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1655 (+14) May 28 9:59pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29267354 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1667 (+12) May 28 10:03pm 54 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29267388 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1677 (+10) May 28 10:05pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29267426 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1666 (-11) May 28 10:07pm 7 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29267568 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1678 (+12) May 28 10:15pm 12 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29267774 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1666 (-12) May 28 10:29pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29267822 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1655 (-11) May 28 10:31pm 40 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29267855 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1641 (-14) May 28 10:33pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29267894 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1630 (-11) May 28 10:35pm 4 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29389539 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1641 (+11) June 04 7:05pm 6 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29389735 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1630 (-11) June 04 7:12pm 4 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29389878 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1642 (+12) June 04 7:17pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29389950 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1632 (-10) June 04 7:20pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29390073 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1623 (-9) June 04 7:24pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29390192 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1636 (+13) June 04 7:27pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29390276 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1626 (-10) June 04 7:30pm 5 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29390474 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1637 (+11) June 04 7:36pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29390598 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1624 (-13) June 04 7:40pm 10 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29390934 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1615 (-9) June 04 7:51pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29391024 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1626 (+11) June 04 7:54pm 6 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29391242 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1637 (+11) June 04 8:01pm 8 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29391260 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1650 (+13) June 04 8:02pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29391334 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1640 (-10) June 04 8:05pm 4 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29391504 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1627 (-13) June 04 8:10pm 4 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29391678 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1614 (-13) June 04 8:16pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29391776 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1627 (+13) June 04 8:19pm 60 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29391849 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1616 (-11) June 04 8:21pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29391919 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1626 (+10) June 04 8:23pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29392009 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1616 (-10) June 04 8:26pm 38 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29392063 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1628 (+12) June 04 8:27pm 45 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29392102 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1641 (+13) June 04 8:29pm 3 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29392240 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1653 (+12) June 04 8:34pm 47 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29392311 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1642 (-11) June 04 8:35pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29392393 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1630 (-12) June 04 8:38pm 31 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29522263 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1619 (-11) June 11 9:00pm 5 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29522491 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1632 (+13) June 11 9:06pm 49 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29522540 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1642 (+10) June 11 9:08pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29522641 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1653 (+11) June 11 9:11pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29522740 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1644 (-9) June 11 9:14pm 5 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29522922 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1633 (-11) June 11 9:20pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29523050 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1644 (+11) June 11 9:24pm 7 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29523337 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1655 (+11) June 11 9:33pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29523463 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1645 (-10) June 11 9:38pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29523541 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1633 (-12) June 11 9:40pm 5 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29523697 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1645 (+12) June 11 9:46pm 8 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29523924 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1655 (+10) June 11 9:56pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29523974 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1645 (-10) June 11 9:58pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29524026 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1633 (-12) June 11 10:00pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29524095 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1621 (-12) June 11 10:03pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29524135 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1632 (+11) June 11 10:05pm 42 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29524175 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1643 (+11) June 11 10:06pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29524250 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1657 (+14) June 11 10:10pm 49 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29524306 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1646 (-11) June 11 10:12pm 8 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29524510 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1637 (-9) June 11 10:21pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29524561 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1626 (-11) June 11 10:24pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29654930 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1638 (+12) June 18 9:57pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29654993 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1648 (+10) June 18 9:59pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29655028 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1637 (-11) June 18 10:01pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29655079 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1625 (-12) June 18 10:04pm 7 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29655250 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1612 (-13) June 18 10:13pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29655291 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1624 (+12) June 18 10:15pm 5 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29655423 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1636 (+12) June 18 10:21pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29655486 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1648 (+12) June 18 10:25pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29655546 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1639 (-9) June 18 10:27pm 50 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29655585 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1654 (+15) June 18 10:29pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29655637 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1665 (+11) June 18 10:32pm 55 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29655676 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1677 (+12) June 18 10:34pm 3 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29655765 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1688 (+11) June 18 10:38pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29655832 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1699 (+11) June 18 10:41pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29655894 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1688 (-11) June 18 10:44pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29655937 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1699 (+11) June 18 10:46pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29655997 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1710 (+11) June 18 10:48pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29656078 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1700 (-10) June 18 10:53pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29656126 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1687 (-13) June 18 10:55pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29656171 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1697 (+10) June 18 10:58pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29656231 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1684 (-13) June 18 11:01pm 44 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29788005 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1695 (+11) June 25 7:59pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29788113 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1706 (+11) June 25 8:01pm 4 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29788272 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1696 (-10) June 25 8:06pm 8 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29788599 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1706 (+10) June 25 8:16pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29788705 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1716 (+10) June 25 8:19pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29788754 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1705 (-11) June 25 8:21pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29788827 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1693 (-12) June 25 8:23pm 4 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29789000 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1704 (+11) June 25 8:30pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29789093 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1714 (+10) June 25 8:33pm 46 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29789128 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1704 (-10) June 25 8:35pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29789228 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1691 (-13) June 25 8:39pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29789380 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1702 (+11) June 25 8:44pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29789437 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1692 (-10) June 25 8:46pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29789517 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1683 (-9) June 25 8:49pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29789577 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1671 (-12) June 25 8:52pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29789647 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1660 (-11) June 25 8:54pm 58 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29789703 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1647 (-13) June 25 8:56pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29789777 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1636 (-11) June 25 8:58pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29789870 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1625 (-11) June 25 9:01pm 6 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29964582 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1636 (+11) July 05 8:20pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29964627 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1649 (+13) July 05 8:23pm 5 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29964762 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1637 (-12) July 05 8:29pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29964817 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1648 (+11) July 05 8:31pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29964871 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1659 (+11) July 05 8:34pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29964926 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1670 (+11) July 05 8:37pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29964995 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1658 (-12) July 05 8:40pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29965061 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1645 (-13) July 05 8:43pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29965106 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1633 (-12) July 05 8:45pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29965146 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1644 (+11) July 05 8:47pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29965211 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1633 (-11) July 05 8:50pm 6 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29965339 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1621 (-12) July 05 8:58pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29965391 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1632 (+11) July 05 9:00pm 60 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29965426 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1619 (-13) July 05 9:02pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29965476 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1606 (-13) July 05 9:05pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30089630 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1619 (+13) July 12 6:51pm 3 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30089744 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1608 (-11) July 12 6:57pm 4 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
30089854 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1597 (-11) July 12 7:02pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30089914 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1607 (+10) July 12 7:05pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30089969 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1620 (+13) July 12 7:07pm 4 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30090081 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1610 (-10) July 12 7:13pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30090127 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1600 (-10) July 12 7:15pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30090190 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1612 (+12) July 12 7:17pm 5 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
30090199 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1603 (-9) July 12 7:18pm 36 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
30090235 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1614 (+11) July 12 7:20pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30090289 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1627 (+13) July 12 7:22pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
30090361 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1637 (+10) July 12 7:25pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30090428 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1650 (+13) July 12 7:28pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30090473 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1640 (-10) July 12 7:31pm 4 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30090581 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1650 (+10) July 12 7:36pm 3 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30090686 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1661 (+11) July 12 7:41pm 3 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30090785 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1650 (-11) July 12 7:45pm 34 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
30090820 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1638 (-12) July 12 7:47pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30090859 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1629 (-9) July 12 7:49pm 8 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30091053 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1620 (-9) July 12 7:58pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
30091113 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1630 (+10) July 12 8:01pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30091155 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1621 (-9) July 12 8:03pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
30091220 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1631 (+10) July 12 8:06pm 7 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
30091387 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1642 (+11) July 12 8:15pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30091423 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1655 (+13) July 12 8:17pm 6 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30091576 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1667 (+12) July 12 8:24pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30091641 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1656 (-11) July 12 8:27pm 5 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30091803 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1646 (-10) July 12 8:33pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
30091869 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1658 (+12) July 12 8:36pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
30091953 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1645 (-13) July 12 8:40pm 4 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30092055 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1656 (+11) July 12 8:44pm 60 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
30092096 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1666 (+10) July 12 8:47pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30092174 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1652 (-14) July 12 8:51pm 11 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
30111329 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1662 (+10) July 13 9:22pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
30111382 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1652 (-10) July 13 9:25pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30111445 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1639 (-13) July 13 9:28pm 34 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30111478 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1652 (+13) July 13 9:30pm 8 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
30111667 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1641 (-11) July 13 9:40pm 4 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30111788 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1631 (-10) July 13 9:46pm 46 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30111817 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1642 (+11) July 13 9:48pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
30111871 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1653 (+11) July 13 9:51pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30111914 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1663 (+10) July 13 9:53pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30111956 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1673 (+10) July 13 9:56pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30112002 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1663 (-10) July 13 9:58pm 5 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30112113 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1674 (+11) July 13 10:04pm 53 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
30112147 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1663 (-11) July 13 10:06pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30112209 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1653 (-10) July 13 10:09pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30112256 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1642 (-11) July 13 10:11pm 48 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
30112290 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1631 (-11) July 13 10:13pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30112325 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1641 (+10) July 13 10:15pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30112359 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1651 (+10) July 13 10:17pm 5 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
30112500 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1662 (+11) July 13 10:24pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30112541 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1649 (-13) July 13 10:26pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30112586 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1663 (+14) July 13 10:29pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30112626 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1676 (+13) July 13 10:31pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30112663 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1664 (-12) July 13 10:32pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30112699 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1675 (+11) July 13 10:34pm 39 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
30112736 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1665 (-10) July 13 10:36pm 48 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
30112768 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1652 (-13) July 13 10:38pm 36 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
30112795 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1639 (-13) July 13 10:39pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30112840 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1630 (-9) July 13 10:41pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
30112880 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1641 (+11) July 13 10:43pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
30112926 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1630 (-11) July 13 10:46pm 2 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
30112980 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1619 (-11) July 13 10:49pm 5 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30113099 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1631 (+12) July 13 10:56pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30113133 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Loss 1621 (-10) July 13 10:58pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
30113205 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1635 (+14) July 13 11:01pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30113244 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1645 (+10) July 13 11:04pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
30113282 brotherhood of the hood (2v2) Victory 1658 (+13) July 13 11:06pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
30144141 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) July 15 7:17pm 42 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
30144296 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) July 15 7:25pm 60 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
30144452 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) July 15 7:32pm 51 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
30194842 Solo Queue (5v5) Loss 192 (0) July 18 4:01pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details