Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 15 6 / 9 40% 1485
Season 158 77 / 81 48.7% 1485


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Zertulo Draenei Shaman Alliance Icecrown 3 10 1124 1517
Preitoo gloriouss Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 37 78 1447 1530
Iampidoras Feel the Difference Troll Mage Horde Icecrown 37 70 1383 1608
Skaia Millions of power Night Elf Druid Alliance Icecrown 0 2 995 1433
Jillspell Captain FREAKS TEAM Human Mage Alliance Icecrown 77 156 1487 1508

Rating History