Horde 2v2 Team, Icecrown
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0% 766
Season 35 16 / 19 45.7% 766


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Kralimarko Fury Of Madness Night Elf Druid Alliance Icecrown 4 10 192 1392
Rhaedarth Warmane Hispano Horda Blood Elf Death Knight Horde Icecrown 4 12 192 1471
Rahzputin The Predators Undead Mage Horde Icecrown 12 23 576 1587
Ciiment Best Friends Orc Warrior Horde Icecrown 0 0 0 1405
Chentetrol Captain Live Action WOW LATAM Blood Elf Mage Horde Icecrown 12 25 576 1494

Rating History