Jungle boogie
Alliance 2v2 Team, Lordaeron
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 20 11 / 9 55% 1445
Season 192 87 / 105 45.3% 1445


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Demonock Human Warlock Alliance Lordaeron 10 24 480 1461
Aleiara WellKnownLegends Night Elf Hunter Alliance Lordaeron 11 20 1294 1516
Markus Human Warrior Alliance Lordaeron 10 22 1265 1468
Babynight MONSTERS INC Human Warrior Alliance Lordaeron 2 6 1082 1542
Brisa Celestial Night Elf Hunter Alliance Lordaeron 17 27 811 1654
Aleira WellKnownLegends Night Elf Rogue Alliance Lordaeron 31 83 1233 1361
Maititi Captain The Cult of Dionysus Night Elf Druid Alliance Lordaeron 87 192 1445 1456
Hansmoleman The Cult of Dionysus Human Death Knight Alliance Lordaeron 6 10 1219 1431

Rating History