nem csinal teamet dikk
Alliance 2v2 Team, Blackrock
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0% 1723
Season 103 62 / 41 60.2% 1723


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Azuliann Human Warlock Alliance Blackrock 3 10 144 1485
Kunumario Guardians of Hungarians Human Rogue Alliance Blackrock 23 31 1100 1748
Totike Guardians of Hungarians Human Rogue Alliance Blackrock 17 24 1517 1771
Ainhie Human Rogue Alliance Blackrock 13 28 624 1906
Tsukuyomix Captain Guardians of Hungarians Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 62 103 1723 1793
Neutral Blackrock

Rating History