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Horde 2v2 Team, Icecrown
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0% 1517
Season 120 64 / 56 53.3% 1517


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Goteparmak Undead Warlock Horde Icecrown 0 0 0 1607
Pigmanbear R I S E Troll Mage Horde Icecrown 0 0 1000 1500
Darktearsmsi Royal Elite Undead Warlock Horde Icecrown 11 23 1300 1481
Bundleofstix Betray And Degrade Troll Priest Horde Icecrown 9 17 1283 1522
Vorpy Dissolution Orc Hunter Horde Icecrown 21 37 1446 1637
Aday WipeMasters Blood Elf Warlock Horde Icecrown 23 43 1091 1462
Luchostar Captain Divine Handicap Gardians Orc Shaman Horde Icecrown 64 120 1517 1570
Kipirr RU Community Undead Rogue Horde Icecrown 0 0 0 1500
Opache Khmer Gladiator Tauren Shaman Horde Icecrown 0 0 0 1414

Rating History